Monday 28 September 2015

Perspective Drawing Using Grid as the Reference

Workshop 3

Perspective Drawing Using Grid
Third class studio lesson . Ohh No!!! Perspective Drawing ! This class was quite challenging for me because my basic in this skill very weak. Can be said like this, I'm the person who can't draw a straight line even I have ruler. Luckily, the volunteers from second year senior gave us a hand and taught us patiently. But unfortunately,  they leave early because they had meeting. So the thing we can do is self-reliance. We erased, erased and erased until we done our job. I worked together with my ID group member and finished at 7 pm.  Lastly, I want used this word to describe our feeling today "Crash!!". In conclusion, the gain today were patient and don't give up until we success, That's all. Thanks~

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