Sunday 20 September 2015


This was the first project i did in Sem 1.  The tittle of first project was ME, MYSELF & I.  Project 1a stewardship and the requirement was sketched self-portrait by using a pencil. This photo above was the first day i cut my long hair to become short hair style. In addition, this was the first time I draw my self-portrait.  Finally I did it in 2 hours. Even the sketches is not good enough but I satisfied it.

Project 1b was draw a PERSONAL LOGO.   Before I do my logo design I try to search in the Google to get some ideas. Then,  I start drawn the layout of logo and play the colour. Finally  I chosed this design as my personal logo, I use my last name first alphabet "R" to create my logo and form it in a house. 5 colours are used to create it out that were blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Each colours have their meaning as below:

                                    Blue     - Stand for warm and harmony,
                                    Green   - Stand for peaceful,
                                    Yellow - Stand for hope,
                                    Orange - Stand for happiness, and
                                    Red      - Stand for brave and strenght.

And the typography "LEAD TO LIFE" meant that we need to persue our dream even there have many block outside. The starting point is always start from hard but this is the way we need to pass. So we need to strong and lead to life!!

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