Our site was located at Taiping Lake Garden, Perak. Network movement for our site consist of 7m wide two ways road and 20.5m walk ways pendestrian. The average side's wind velocity is 2.0 m/s, direction of wind is come from north west. While average temperature is 33 dec celcious with humidity ranging from 53%- 67%. Range for solar radiation is from 30.44 k/lux to 68.75 k/lux.
Our design concept was came from a hockey ball then we developed into a half dome shape. The most attracted part for this building was it will form a fully dome structure when the structure facade is reflected on the lake especially at the night scene will more artificial with lighting effect.
For the interior part, the concept i used was islamic modern. The pavilion consist 4 parts that are reception area, lounge area area and two gallery area. The theme colors are gold, brown n white. In detail, at the center of pavilion consist a small gallery-spriral shape of partition wall which make by PU with islamic geometric design patterns. The focus point for interior part is Sultan Azlan Shah Cup Sculture, 2m height at the small gallery area.